
  1. 用英语写一篇100字左右介绍钟南山的短文?


Zhong Nanshan, an 84-year old man, is also a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

a famous respiratory expert and the country's leader in the prevention and treatment of respiratory infectious diseases.

In the face of the unknown virus, people fell into panic after the outbreak of SARS . Academician Zhong Nanshan was calm and fearless, saving lives with the brilliant hands and benevolence of doctors, and treating critically ill patients regardless of his own life.

When COVID-17 emerged a few years later, he was still on the front lines of the fight against the virus, finding a cure. Academician Zhong Nanshan has become the backbone of the people.

One of the premier medical scientists in the 21st century is Zhong Nanshan。 Born in 1941 and graduated from Beijing Medical College, this ordinary but great man has been working in the medical field for over 40 years。

He is a good doctor in the patients' eyes and a kind medical professor in his students as well。

In the spring of 2003, the SARS epidemic broke out in China and across the globe。

Zhong Nanshan not only led but also took an active part in the battle against SARS。 At that time no one really knew much about SARS and most people had no natural defenses against the disease。

Dangerous as it was, Zhong Nanshan worked hard day and night treating SARS patients。 Meanwhile he underlined the fact that teamwork among nations could save lives。

Through their hard work for several months, Zhong Nanshan and his workmates achieved remarkable result。 Soon the SARS epidemic was stopped in its track。

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